Le' Princess


Before this, I already storied about the heroes...
So, for this entry, I want to story about the princess of Mr. zack ;)

This is along. Her name is Ana. Sometimes others called her nurul.
She’s a teacher, a wife and a mother for Aqif and Khalif.
She is a talkative sis. When she talks, I can’t detect where the comma or full stop is.
And that make her a friendly woman.

The shortest in my family, angah. Her name is Nurul Fadhilatul Akmal.
When she was in school, her friends called her Dila but when she becomes an English Teacher, everybody called her Teacher Akmal.
She already married but don’t have any child yet.
I really love her because she is a good listener.
Kinda sad because she’d transfer to Perak so I can’t meet her at Terengganu but hey! I’ll gonna meet her in Chinese New Year Holiday.
Can’t wait to ‘kopak’ her purse and her husband pocket, Abang Ngah... hahaha...
Btw, I thought angah is the shortest because she lahir tak cukup bulan coz angah and along born in the same year but different month.

This one is kak yah. Hidayah means indication.
In our family she’s the quitesssttttt...
It’s so hard to hear her voice. That’s why along and angah always teased her. Hahaha!
She’s a kindergarten teacher but know what, she had degree in business admin with great cgpa like 3.8 something...

rindu nak chubby macam ni balik!

The last adorable princess is me!!!
My name is Nurul Farahizzati and just calls me zizie...
I get used with that name for 8 years * senior masa sekolah punya pasal! *
I’m still a student at UTeM in Manufacturing Engineering.
Well, I always make something different than my sisters.
Maybe I’m not so girly like them and since 13-y-o, I already study far away from home; Terengganu-Kedah is really far!
Since I’m the youngest sister in my family, my sisters always pampered me...
Okay, not too pampering but they always care about me. But I always tell them; if they care about me, cash in me some money. HAHA!!
Hey, sometimes I used that money to buy them present okay! Ngee~ :D

So, that’s our family!
Kak Yah

InsyaAllah this quote
seorang ibu boleh menjaga sepuluh orang anak tetapi sepuluh orang anak belum tentu boleh menjaga seorang ibu.
wouldn’t exist in Mr. zack’s family!

Mak & Abah, thanks for everything J
We proud to be your children.

nota zizie : Ya Allah, kau jauhkanlah keluargaku daripada sebarang musibah dan limpahkanlah kami dengan rezekiMu.

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  1. oh i thought adik beradik awk lelaki ramai, awk je perempuan hihi.. btw, u resemble ur mom ;)

  2. Alhamdulillah 10 cahaya hati bonda dan ayahanda ini sebenarnya sudah menyediakan Jannah Allah untuk ibu bapanya..cuma kita lebih berusaha bagaimana untuk menghiasi Jannah itu dengan amal jariah,ilmu yang berguna dan doa dari anak anak yang soleh..itu tanggungjawab kita sbg anak..big family,maka makin banyaklah Rahmat Allah..alhamdulillah..


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