It's Like A Serial Killer.

okay, i just finished my first paper, BMFB 2213 : Material Engineering!!
kalau korang nak tanya boleh jawab ke tak, dengan berkobar2 aku cakap BOLEH!!
tapi, betul ke tak, tawakal jela..

seriously, this subjet is a KILLER SUBJECT!
eventhough ada yang kata ThermoFluid tu the most SERIAL KILLER SUBJECT, i think material stab me more than thermo!

last night almost my classmate kinda crazy, *including me* about this subject.. hahaha..
why? coz we get this message from our lecturer..
btw, she just got a new baby... mesti comel macam dia coz my lecturer kecik2 comel gitu :)

see that yellow box?
that word actually made my classamates kinda crazy..
read their comments...

narrow down..
 everybody, just leave it to Allah..
tawakal is a best way..

anyway, it's a good start for our exam..
at least a burden subject just fade away from our life.. hehehe...

nota zizie : AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!

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  1. narrow down. fokuskan bab tu lebih sikit :)
    selalu dgr masa blajar dulu ^^ singgah sini


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