How Do I Improve My English

Assalamualaikum wbt
Heyyo GG!

doing some blogwalking to Maisara's blog and i found some videos and the video down here is really interesting...

 by Aiman Azlan

well, i'm not really familiar with vloggers but i know some of them such as Mat Lutfi, Maria Elena and Anwar Hadi..
as for Aiman Azlan's video, i reaaaaaallllyyyy agree with the methods that he shared with us...
exposure & practice..

and as for myself, i am lack in both grammar and vocabulary and getting suck in my pronunciation..
thank you to google translate that always help me with my vocabulary.. kihkihkih..

as a university student, a skill in speaking English is really important because most of the subjects are in English and even though the presentation must be in English..
so, i need to recall back all the lesson that i'd been learned either in primary school and secondary school..
hey, even the basic is really important!

i cannot use the exposure technique as Aiman Azlan said in his video, so only the PRACTICE TECHNIQUE is work onto me.
lucky me, my sister is an English Teacher and sometimes we talk with each other in English..

and the other my english teacher is him..

if you don't have any friends to practice english together, try to read english books, listening to english song or watch any movies that provided english subtitles..
i enjoy all that methods to have fun in learning english..

don't be shy with yourself..
even though right now, my writing is full with grammars mistake...
and be open if someone trying to correct your mistakes..
and trust me, mistake is humans bestfriend because we learn from the mistakes 

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  1. learning English indeed very awesome things to do...once, my teacher said...when you're watching English movie...don't ever turn on the subtitle.

  2. akak bila practise je nak speaking english..jawa pulak yang keluar zie..last orang gelakkan saja.owh my english very bad la zie..serious..

  3. dulu akak belajar bi dgn lagu ja. belajar dr benda yg kita suka memang senang masuk

  4. vlogger ni selalu tengok video2 matlutfi je..

    klau sy lebih kpd pembacaan.. dr kecik mmg didedahkan dgn english novel.. :)

  5. one of the best way to learn english, to polish your english skill is by conversation, using the language daily, frequently. practice laa dengan parents, dengan kawan, dengan housemate,
    macam ika, dari kecik speaking dengan abah kat rumah, baca novel english, dengar lagu2 english, movie pun english,
    dulu lagi laa, sangat tak fluent bahasa melayu sebab family mix portugis, so salah satu bahasa yang digunakan dalam pertuturan is english, bila pindah melaka baru belajar belajar belajar cakap melayu, sekarang dah pro laa cakap melayu lepas years and years of practice (even masih nak selit2kan english),
    sama juga kalau apply it into english, paling penting effort kita tu :)
    anyway, goodluck :)


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