September 2020
Chicken Patty & Spinach Sandwich

Wrong Appointment And Brunch at Starbuck.

Assalamualaikum.It happened this morning, and I don't know how to react except laughed. Hahaha!Datin a.k.a my boss whatsapp-ed me last night about today we're going to some event at Sunway Putra Mall. Of course my replied will be okay. Gila kau nak cakap no bos, I cannot. Hahaha.On our way, we will discuss many things about the works and clients. Suddenly, she got...


zizie's life

A Year Older, A Year Bolder

Assalamualaikum & Hi.Yesterday, 16th September 2020, besides it was a Malaysia Day, it was also my birthday. Alhamdulillah, for all the journeys I came through. You wouldn't find any pictures of celebration since I prefer to stay at home and scrolling videos on my Facebook while listening to my Spotify.Crawling to my 30's, I'm still struggling with stability of life. It is not...



I bought Vivo Y15 2020 through Shopee

 Assalamualaikum & Hi.Disclaimer: This is not a review session. Ermmm. Maybe just a little bit. Hehe.Earlier this year, my phone was dropped in the toilet and I cannot save it! After seven months, finally I decided to buy a new smartphone. Taraa. This is my choice. Sorry la if you guys being like, "Alaa.. bukan phone harga beribu pun.", because, DO I CARE!...


blog ini berbentuk blog personal yang berkongsi tentang kehidupan zizie, dan beberapa informasi yang berguna untuk manusia sejagat. sebarang bahan bacaan di dalam blog ini bebas untuk ditulis semula kecuali bahan yang berunsur peribadi dan merupakan hak milik zizie. pihak zizie juga tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap komen-komen daripada para pembaca.